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Keynote Speakers

Arman Alizad

  • Attitude & Change
  • Creativity/innovation
  • Omvärld/framtid
  • Team Work
Arman Alizad, the great fan of heroic tales, speaks about life through personal experiences and shares his thoughts on how he has decided to experience and see life. With his own story, he highlights a number of turning points where his own choices and attitudes have played a major role in future development. Arman has investigated Finnish society and the state of the world from new perspectives and questioned attitudes and opinions. Arman sees that the problem of today’s conversational culture is that understanding is seen as acceptance that polarizes conversations. Not all things need to be accepted, but they need to be understood, says Arman. Trust and understanding are created through openness, conversation and doing together.

Arman wants to discuss with his listeners the contradictions between tolerance, acceptance and understanding. Themes for human beings and gratitude – stories of different destinies around the world. The adventurous Alizad has become known for its award winning, eye-opening TV series; Arman and the Last Crusade, Kill Arman and Here in the North Star. The Kill Arman series has been sold to over 100 countries.

Arman Alizad is a skilled and impressive storyteller. Arman is often considered bold, but he himself says that he does not know anything about courage, but is afraid of everything.
His own experiences have helped to overcome fear and go into his own dreams.
He encourages people to face their own fears and go towards the unknown, even if it frightens. Courage is not a lack of fear, but means that something is more important than fear.

Teemat: Is understanding the key to development? | If you do nothing, the dream is just a wish. | Fear – What Is It?


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