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Keynote Speakers

Peter Sage

  • Attitude & Change
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Growth/development
  • Leadership
  • Wellbeing & Health
Peter Sage is the world renowned international & serial entrepreneur, author, philosopher and teacher. His unique way of looking at and relating to life has inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide to Reinvent themselves. Whether by improving or turning around a business or developing a new and empowering psychology through practical yet profound shifts in awareness, Peter hopes his insights and teachings can offer something of value to those who seek it. An expert in human behaviour, leadership and motivation, Peter Sage brings valuable knowledge and amazing energy to his audiences across the globe. As a speaker Peter Sage is dynamic and inspirational. He has a passion for speaking and seeing the change in people’s eyes as they listen to his incredible and unique points about living a better and more productive life. Peter is a top-rated speaker and continues to get incredible feedback while being voted speaker of the event again and again. Peter Sage uses 25 years of experience in business and personal development to help others make a difference in their lives and the lives of those they care about. As a successful serial entrepreneur, the most valuable lessons Sage learned were not about money, but rather human connection and time management. Internationally known for his ability to inspire audiences to make a change, he has been a frequent TED speaker, advisor to the Hungarian government, and a member of the Entrepreneurship Advisory Board for INSEAD. After dropping out of high school at age 16, he embarked on a remarkable business career, starting over 20 businesses, many of which with no financial resources, over the course of 15 years. While some failed “majestically” (as Sage himself puts it), multiple projects were successful and grew to up to eight-figure values. By age 22, he had earned his first million. Examples of his businesses include the World Wide Health Corporation (WWH) and Energie Fitness Group. During his ventures he became fascinated by the personal growth industry because of its focus and effective methodology on how to actually succeed, something he felt traditional education neglected. He shifted more into a teacher role, rather than entrepreneur, and established the Sage Academy and Sage Business School, which focus on personal and spiritual development in addition to different practical business tools and strategies.   Teemat: How to overcome difficulties | Making the impossible, possible | Stop waiting for life to happen | The future of enterprise | Leadership | Escaping the Prison of your Mind | Time Management | Team Building | Entrepreneurship

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