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Nelli Såger

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Growth/development
  • Health/well-being
  • Omvärld/framtid
  • Technology/digitalization

Nelli Såger is an inspiring speaker who seamlessly integrates perspectives from technology, healthcare, and entrepreneurship in a unique way. With a background as an engineer and a health tech entrepreneur, she possesses a deep understanding of the power of innovation in the healthcare sector.

Nelli’s speeches reflect her diverse experiences in both the Finnish and Silicon Valley startup scenes. She shares her courageous journey from London to Silicon Valley, culminating in the successful founding of the startup Fifth Corner Inc. alongside culinary icon Jamie Oliver.

Fearless in sharing personal stories and learning experiences, Nelli particularly delves into the transformative year of 2019 that altered the course of her life. This year brought a serious brain injury and an extensive rehabilitation process but also marked a powerful comeback as she assumed the role of a director at Mehiläinen.

Her talks address the evolution of the consumer health technology revolution, future prospects, and the significance of collaboration between well-being technologies and healthcare in supporting people’s health. Nelli’s charismatic delivery and ability to inspire her audience make her a captivating speaker who leaves thought-provoking impressions on her listeners.


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