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8 marraskuun 2021

The Power of Performance – Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Do you want to feel better and perform better? How to perform at your best with less stress? Liiketoiminnan painopiste...

Do you want to feel better and perform better? How to perform at your best with less stress? Liiketoiminnan painopiste on siirtynyt puhtaasta tuottavuusajattelusta yhä enemmän henkisen suorituskyvyn vahvistamiseen ja tukemiseen – sekä työntekijä- että organisaatiotasolla. Ihminen yksilötasolla ei ole enää yritysten tärkein voimavara. Sen tärkein voimavara on hyvinvoiva henkilöstö, jonka henkinen suorityskyky on riittävän korkealla. Hyvinvoinnista ja jaksamisesta onkin tullut keskeinen resurssi, jonka avulla jokainen voi hallita omaa suorituskykyään, ja jota organisaation ja johdon tulisi tukea parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Olen nostanut tähän marraskuun kansainväliseen uutiskirjeeseeni suorituskyvyn todellisen ammattilaisen – hyvä lukijani, esittelen teille James Hewittin!  

James Hewitt
James Hewitt is a performance scientist, speaker and author, with over 15 years of experience in human high performance. James is also an active researcher at Loughborough University, ranked as #1 in the world in Sport, Exercise and Health Science. James’ passion is making complex science digestible and practical and his research focusses on high performance knowledge work, with a particular interest in how we can achieve high performance, without compromising our health in the process. James’ work includes consulting for Formula 1 drivers and teams, advising Fortune 500 C-suite executives, and novel experiments to provide cutting edge insights for some of the world’s most demanding and top-performing organisation As much as we peak performers want to be at our maximum all the time we need to take our daily rhythms into account. But what is your daily rhythm and how can you harness it into high performance? James is an increasingly sought-after communicator and is consistently ranked among the top-speakers at the events he contributes to. He has delivered keynotes and presentations at a wide range of events including the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, business conferences such as the Nordic Business Forum,technology conferences including Slush, Technoport and Upgraded Health, for International Business Schools such as St. Gallen (HSG) and IMD, for scientific organisations including the Royal Institution, as well as regularly delivering speeches for leadership teams and the clients of numerous Fortune 500 companies. James is a regular speaker at conferences and events around the world. He presents on a range of topics, including: Cognitive performance Training our brains for the future of work Health and wellbeing in the face of digital disruption The key to sustainable high-performance in knowledge work Learnings from high-performance sport for business The anatomy of victory How two find your rhythm Lue Jamesista lisää!Digitalization and interconnectedness have forever changed the nature of knowledge work. Well-being has become a central resource for managing job demands and achieving sustainable high-performance. Though many knowledge workers are able to maintain performance levels, even in very demanding situations, the human ability to self-monitor and objectively evaluate well-being and performance is often biased and inadequate”. James Hewitt WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER! Kiinnostuitko? Ole yhteydessä, niin kerron mielelläni lisää Jamesista ja muista henkisen suorituskyvyn asiantuntijoista.

Kohti ääretöntä ja sen yli! Susanna Hagelstam Senior Account Manager, International Speaker Relations +358 46 923 1322


8 marraskuun 2021

The Power of Performance – Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Do you want to feel better and perform better? How to perform at your best with less stress? Liiketoiminnan painopiste...